#25 Bartosz Kleszcz

Excited to bring you Bartosz Kleszcz, a real mover and shaker within ACBS, whose values are on full display with the upcoming LAMIC conference he helped to create. This free 2-day conference features presenters from Low and Middle Income Countries, - May 16 & 23 2021, no registration required (http://uczesieact.pl/cbs-lamic-online-conference/ and https://fb.me/e/R9H2VvEb)

We discuss the conference, the utility of behavioral principles in helping us connect more with our clients, and how ROE can help clinicians thinking functionally.

He is available for supervision/consultation: bkleszcz@gmail.com

I also am available for individual and/or group consultation, currently am running FAP training groups for therapists as well - marcel@marceltassara.com

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#26 Steve Hayes - Part I


#24 Siri Ming